Claim Order
/store/orders/batch/customer/tokenAllow the logged-in customer to claim ownership of one or more orders. This generates a token that can be used later on to verify the claim using the Verify Order Claim API Route. This also emits the event order-update-token.created
. So, if you have a notification provider installed that handles this event and sends the customer a notification, such as an email, the customer should receive instructions on how to finalize their claim ownership.
Body Params application/json
No schema defined
Not configured
Request samples
Client Error or Multiple Errors(400)
User is not authorized. Must log in first(401)
Not Found Error(404)
Invalid State Error(409)
Invalid Request Error(422)
Server Error(500)
HTTP Code: 200
Content Type : JSONapplication/json
Data Schema
object {0}
Modified at 10 months ago