Refresh a Payment Session
/store/carts/{id}/payment-sessions/{provider_id}/refreshRefresh a Payment Session to ensure that it is in sync with the Cart. This is usually not necessary, but is provided for edge cases.
The ID of the Cart.
The ID of the Payment Provider that created the Payment Session to be refreshed.
Request samples
A cart represents a virtual shopping bag. It can be used to complete an order, a swap, or a claim.
The cart's ID
The email associated with the cart
The billing address's ID
The shipping address's ID
The region's ID
The customer's ID
The details of the customer the cart belongs to.
The details of the selected payment session in the cart.
The payment's ID if available
The details of the payment associated with the cart.
The date with timezone at which the cart was completed.
The date with timezone at which the payment was authorized.
The sales channel ID the cart is associated with.
The date with timezone at which the resource was created.
The date with timezone at which the resource was updated.
The date with timezone at which the resource was deleted.
The total of shipping
The total of discount rounded
The total of discount
The total of items with taxes
The total of shipping with taxes
The total of tax
The total amount refunded if the order associated with this cart is returned.
The total amount of the cart
The subtotal of the cart
The amount that can be refunded
The total of gift cards
The total of gift cards with taxes
The details of all payment sessions created on the cart.
The cart's type.
Randomly generated key used to continue the completion of a cart in case of failure.
The context of the cart which can include info like IP or user agent.
An optional key-value map with additional details
An address is used across the Medusa backend within other schemas and object types. For example, a customer's billing and shipping addresses both use the Address entity.
A Sales Channel is a method a business offers its products for purchase for the customers. For example, a Webshop can be a sales channel, and a mobile app can be another.
An address is used across the Medusa backend within other schemas and object types. For example, a customer's billing and shipping addresses both use the Address entity.
The details of the shipping methods added to the cart.
A region holds settings specific to a geographical location, including the currency, tax rates, and fulfillment and payment providers. A Region can consist of multiple countries to accomodate common shopping settings across countries.
An array of details of all gift cards applied to the cart.
An array of details of all discounts applied to the cart.
The line items added to the cart.